today was the last day ever for BEL 120..
sad isn't it..
no big lesson for today..
Miss Zu just delivered some briefing on answering final paper..
reference word..
contextual clues..
information transfer..
writing and so on..
then..with the holy scripture..'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim''..
she end the class..
it is a norm that we will not miss something that exist in front us..
later..when the thing is gone..then we will miss it..
just like this class..
i am pretty sure that i will miss this class a lot..
before leaving the class..
we have a potluck..
me together with my best friends have prepared some meal..
order actually..
while the other members of the class bring 'Kuih Raya' and so on..
before ending the class..
we all have a photography session together..
me myself ..
with wasim..his expression??
yeah...last class..
Miss Zu with the class joker..
best friends ever..
sweet smiles..
friendly hugging..
cannot be separated..
really the last moment..the sad one..
Thanks for everything Miss Zu..
My English might be bad..but..i won’t ever give up to improve it..