Monday, 27 June 2011


today was the writing..i do learn what is needed in a perfect essay..we should have the introduction, the body essay and the conclusion..Miss Zu represent it by a big mac makes all of us hungry as we do not have our breakfast the intoduction,,we should have the general statement and the thesis statement..a good thesis statement must link with the general statement and have subpoint but Miss Zu not encourage us to put subpoint in our essay as we might have are some example of a good thesis statement :

  1. Thus, here are some steps we can take to make friend
  2. As I look back on my reasons for becoming a teacher, there are three reasons that stand out.  They are: my love for the English language, my innate interest in how people learn, and my desire to help other people .
  3. I believe birth order can have a significant impact in the formation of a child’s character based on my own experience growing up in a family of four children. 
here is the key feature considered when writing thesis statement :
  • states the main idea of the essay in a complete sentence, not in question.
    ~ is usually at the end of an introduction
    ~ states an opinion or attitude on a topic.  It doesn’t just state the topic, itself.
    ~ often lists subtopics
    ~ does not directly announce your main topic

    illustration on a good essay

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