Thursday, 11 August 2011

Speaking Test : The flow

Speaking... is freaking you out I bet! haha.. Stress is normal.. in fact there are two types: Eustress (the good stuff) and Distress (the one that makes you have a heart attack and die!)
Practice makes perfect, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Candidate A

Instructions to candidates:

Task A: Individual presentation

* Study the stimulus or topic given.
* You are given one minutes to read the question
* You are given three minute to prepare your point
* You are given two minutes to present.
* Listen to the others while they are making their presentations and take down notes for the group discussion in Task B.

Task B: Group discussion

* After you have listened to everyone, try to come to a decision as to which of the four suggestions is the best.
* Your group is given ten minutes for the discussion.

Task A and Task B will be carried out consecutively.

When the invigilator said ' 40 second left'..each candidate have to come out with a conclusion..

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